Lockdown Lapwings- and my new online Shop

It has been a while since I last wrote a blog. I spent a lot of time and energy last year building up my workshops and with that success the focus of my work changed. Then came Covid 19 and Lockdown...
I decided to take the time unexpectedly available to perfect my painting skills and of course enjoying the wildlife around me I then went on to use this in my stained glass birds. So my latest birds are painted and copper foiled too!
I have also strengthened the mounting of the birds by their legs with copper wire by soldering the wire further along the joins between the different pieces of glass.
Some very exciting news- as many shops and galleries are now closed here in Wales I have had a shop developed on my website. Do have a look, there are some lovely ideas for Christmas presents, and Christmas items such as Robins will be added soon too. If you would like a particular bird or animal I can make that for you to order.